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high-speed tunnel中文是什么意思

用"high-speed tunnel"造句"high-speed tunnel"怎么读"high-speed tunnel" in a sentence


  • 高速风洞


  • Compressibility effects are investigated with highspeed models in high-speed tunnels .
  • Yingyue ( shanghai ) electric wire and cable equipment co . , ltd . is located in chenjia town of chongming island ? the prime national development zone and ecological park , where is surrounded by the seas and adjacent to the bridge and high - speed tunnel of shanghai - chongming - suzhou with convenient traffic
    上海瀛?电线电缆设备有限公司位于上海市全国重点开发区和生态园区- - -崇明岛陈家镇,四周环海,毗邻沪崇苏桥、遂高速通道,交通便捷。
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